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Post 15776 Inserido por Comentário:
Nome: JoshuaJal
De: JoshuaJal
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Thus, any deviation by a medical part neither I nor my husband was not observed. Just after the birth of children living somehow twirled, period itself was less, and the word came to be associated sack only with sleep. First breaks in the love of copulation were small - 2 week without sex already considered long term, but then these gaps in private life grew and grew, and now a couple of months without caresses considered normal. The alarm has sounded me. At first I began to suspect her husband's infidelity, but no evidence is found. Then he decided that he did not just became interested in and began to experiment with the appearance: hair has changed, bought beautiful clothes, began to throw in the direction of the faithful languorous glances. Sex I have achieved, but too fast and some ... boring. Most were upset and went to consult a specialist, where I advised the use of sildenafil.
Adicionado: March 18, 2017 Responder a esta entrada  Apagar esta entrada  Ver IP
Post 15777 Inserido por Comentário:
Nome: Wayneqi
De: Lesliecr
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Adicionado: March 18, 2017 Responder a esta entrada  Apagar esta entrada  Ver IP
Post 15778 Inserido por Comentário:
Nome: LstrThenna
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Adicionado: March 18, 2017 Responder a esta entrada  Apagar esta entrada  Ver IP
Post 15779 Inserido por Comentário:
Nome: Dianelog
De: Dianelog
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Adicionado: March 18, 2017 Responder a esta entrada  Apagar esta entrada  Ver IP
Post 15780 Inserido por Comentário:
Nome: Jasonbaict
De: Jasonbaict
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